Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What makes a good Architectural Design?

A good architectural design is one that is aesthetically appealing. It is also functional and serves its purpose. An example of a good architectural design is the China Science and Technology Museum in Beijing, China that I visited when I went for my GCP trip last year. The design of the place left a great impression on me especially the over head design of the building.

The China Science and Technology Museum is considered to be a good design as the design is of the museum is aesthetically appealing. When one enters the museum, the display in the image as shown above will greet the public, attracting their attention and interest and captivating them with the science concepts behind the exhibition. There is only one word that can be said when you see this and it is 'WOW'. The sight is totally breathtaking and words cannot be used to describe it. It is a must go and see it for yourself.

Another reason why the museum is considered a good architectural design is because of the large space that it provides. In the first image of the museum, it can be seen that the museum provides a large space area. This is a good design as it will make the public feel that the museum is very spacious and not cram. In other words, this deals with the psychological aspect of the public such that they will feel comfortable visiting the exhibitions instead of feeling uneasy and uncomfortable when there is a small space area.

The museum is also organised such that each level deals with a different theme. An example is the image as shown above. The exhibitions on this level deals with ancient Chinese technological innovations while other levels have different themes such as space and the human body.
Another place is where the olympics 2008 was held. It is shaped like a bird nest and its design really catches your eye. This is also why it is one of the most visited places in the world.

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